Now it’s time to introduce Kitty’s neighbor and Pinky’s best friend, Rio ! Rio is Kitty’s shy, thoughtful friend. In small groups, he’s perfectly sociable. They’re the perfect size for his favourite…

Now it’s time to introduce Kitty’s neighbor and Pinky’s best friend, Rio ! Rio is Kitty’s shy, thoughtful friend. In small groups, he’s perfectly sociable. They’re the perfect size for his favourite…
Now let’s meet Pinky, Kitty’s neighbor and Rio’s best friend ! Pinky is Kitty’s most extroverted friend. Daring and cheeky, Pinky can’t resist trying out activities for which she has no experience…
Kitty may have a lot of friends in Cherry Town, but there’s one pal in particular that never leaves her side: Haroshee! This adorable flying squirrel can often be found scurrying and…
Our new series Hello Kitty : Super Style ! follows Kitty’s adventures in Cherry Town, as she helps her friends in all sorts of situations. Let’s introduce her! Hello Kitty (or Kitty,…
The trailer for our new animated series Audrey’s Shelter is available on Kid First’s Youtube channel ! Have you ever heard of the saiga? Or the kakapo? Or the northern hairy-nosed wombat?…
Watch Next Media is proud to be the 3rd French animation production company ! 🥉 CNC revealed at Annecy its ranking of the first 10 French animation production companies, and Watch Next…
Created in 2018, the Youtube channel has reached 65 millions views. With 145 000 followers and 7 millions hours of watchtime, it is one of the leading French channels of animation. “Nate…
In order to face the increase of its production slate, Paris-based production companies Je Suis Bien Content and Watch Next have mandated La Factorie, sister company of Watch Next, to open a…
PARIS and TOKYO, February 6, 2019 – Hello Kitty, the iconic Japanese character created 45 years ago by Sanrio, returns to TV screens in a new animated series, currently developed by Kids…
Watch Next Media (Philippe Alessandri) has acquired a stake in the Paris-based animation studio Je Suis Bien Content, aka JSBC, founded by Franck Ekinci and Marc Jousset in 1996. Lire la suite…