Our productions < Best Bugs Forever

Best Bugs Forever
Format : 52 X 11′
Target audience : 8 – 12 years old
Coproducer : Je Suis Bien Content
Created by : Stuart Gibson and Nathan Wong
Literary bible : Andrew Barnett-Jones, Ciaran Murtagh
Graphic bible : David Maingault, Manu Tanon-Tchi, Sophie Castaignède
Directed by : Jean-Paul Guigue and Yann Provost
Story edited : by Andrew Barnett-Jones, Ciaran Murtagh, Caroline Torelli, Augustin Mas
Pitch : Best Bugs Forever is a sitcom about three friends who are making their way in an amazing new city that’s more exciting and full of adventures than anywhere they’ve been before. They’ll make great new friends, try out new things, and learn more about themselves with every adventure. Oh, and we forgot to mention that… they’re all bugs! The ‘city’ they’re settling into is actually a rundown human motel, but from their tiny point of view it’s a sprawling, bustling metropolis that’s just crawling with insect life, with a lively and colorful 50’s American vibe.
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