Our productions < I, Elvis Riboldi

I, Elvis Riboldi
Format : 52 X 11′
Target audience : 8 – 12 years old
Coproducer : Peekaboo Animation
Literary bible : Javier Galán, Franck Ekinci
Graphic bible : Angel Coronado, Oriol Roca
Directed by : Javier Galán and Raphaël Lamarque
Story edited by : Javier Galán
Pitch : Elvis Riboldi is energetic, optimistic, passionate… only a bit too much. He lives with his friends Boris and Emma in Icaria, a town where, according to its inhabitants, nothing ever happened until Elvis was born. But now that’s he’s around, be prepared for almost anything: time travels, epic fights to death, close encounters of the third kind, and even karaoke!
Based on the book series “I, Elvis Riboldi” by Bono Bidari, published in France (Hachette) and Spain (La Galera)
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